Wednesday 26 August 2009


Guided through Old street towards the City by my GPS and a desire for some quality sushi - led me through many a dark alley to Bury Street. ...Burrrryyyy Street - location of a Japanese establishment called Soseki. Bury Street is an absolutely useless address because all you got to know about Soseki's location is that it's opposite the Gherkin. And if you don't know where the Gherkin is you don't deserve to eat anyway.
Likes of Wasabi, Itsu and Yo Sushi and other mediocre establishments have really spoiled the raw fish experience for me. They made me see Japanese cuisine as something bland and boring, often containing too much rice in proportion to the fish. Soseki gave me a second chance. It was the best sushi I have yet to try. The fish really did feel fresh - something you cannot describe but know when you try it. There was obscenely more fish than rice and my salmon main was a SALMON MAIN!. Maybe they use extra fresh ingredients, maybe their chefs have special flavour enhancing saliva that they secretly inject into the food. I don't know to what the food owes its exquisite flavour. All I know is that Soseki is the kind of place I want to eat at every day.
Not to mention that they made a real effort with design, that there's a surreal view on to the Gherkin and that the prices are high but worth paying.

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